[IndiChix] http://india.linuxchix.org/ - Is now open!

VidA vid at svaksha.com
Wed Apr 15 04:00:53 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 19:02, Radha <radha.nitt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The http://india.linuxchix.org/ site is now up and running.

Cool work and thanks Radha, Kadambari, Sriram and Ketan  :)  I took
some time over this week to check it out and my queries are listed

> Please create an account for yourself and start improving!

Earlier folks had volunteered to lead a team to spruce up the wiki
when it was up and running so could they please take charge and of
course others are welcome to join in.

* When I logged in, I saw that the history of the main page (i didnt
check all the other pages) only returns the last edit. Earlier edits
are not available.

* Btw, a big thanks for clean URL's.... no "index.php", yay :) but
could it be cleaner with http://india.linuxchix.org/name_of_the_page
instead of the current
http://india.linuxchix.org/wiki/name_of_the_page . This may mean
internal links would need some link love but dont you agree that its
easier done now, during a change, than in the future.

* When I changed the skin to "Modern", "myskin", etc.. the Robotux
logo disappears. Nostalgia, MonoBook (default), and Classic are the
only skins that render the Robotux.

* http://india.linuxchix.org/wiki/Special:MovePage/LinuxChix_India
Isnt it better to reserve the rights of moving (including deleting)
pages to the server admins or perhaps restrict it to a smaller team
with special wiki privileges ?

Some other points to be discussed :

1] Secondary backups:

> Sudharsan's is voted for secondary/backup space.

Yes, could we plan on how this is going to be taken up? Perhaps a
second team that co-ordinates with Radha and Kadambari , since
sudarsan's backups would need to sync concurrently with the changes on
ketan's server.

2] Planet : Great to see the planet [
http://india.linuxchix.org/planet/ ] up and running and linked via the
wiki. I like that neat touch :). Here are some updates :

    * (feed) Aneesha
She was the second server admin with Barkha but is currently not
subscribed to this list.

    * (feed) Certified crazy
Barkha Khatri's blog.

    * (feed) Hold Open The Glass Door...Please
Runa Bhattacharjee's blog.

    * (feed) Independent, Passionate, dedicated but unpredictable
Pooja Sharma unsubscribed from this list over a year ago.

    * (feed) Ria With Python
Ria Das.

    * (feed) Stainless
Steila's blog

    * (feed) YAB: Yet Another Blog
Puthali' s blog

    * (feed) kadambarid
Kadambari's blog

    * (feed) me.. in the making
Satya's blog

I didnt get a chance to check the spellings so if there are errors in
your name please inform Radha and Kadambari  and also how you would
like your feed subscription to be listed on the planet.

2] How do we go about reflecting the move by updating the same with
http://www.linuxchix.org/india.html ? If you have a draft, feel free
to use the wiki to discuss it.

|| Vid || http://www.svaksha.com ||

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