[IndiChix] Libre Labs for women

Ajay Kumar ajuonline at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 07:51:44 UTC 2008

Good Morning,

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:04 AM, Vid. A <vid at svaksha.com> wrote:

> Ajay, I am opening up the list(**) so you can point Google folks to
> this thread instead of circular discussions. Is there is an option for
> sponsoring machines when we find space in other Indian cities, in
> future? Ex. Mangalore had requests but no space providers. As Hassath
> said earlier, old machines are fine with HDD directly purchased by
> Google.
> I have emailed. So far, the response is not positive though I have been
given assurance that it might be moving slowly, but the matter is being
dealt with.
The PCs up for donations were those which were used as Search appliances
earlier by Google. So they wont be able to donate that. And we all know
getting cash donations or getting them pay for it directly might take
I have pinged Leslie who is, I am sure, the right person :-)
LH == Leslie Hawthorn. AJuOnLiNE|sh== me.
And yes, I told her about fat-net too.


Ajay Kumar

"I code for Sahana. Do you?" www.sahana.lk
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