[IndiChix] Announcing: Workshop for Women on Linux and Free/Open Source Software
hassath at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 13:51:39 UTC 2008
I'm pasting below an announcement for a workshop that I'll be
conducting. Do forward to women who might be interested. Please note
that it is a basic introductory session for non-technical, lay users
of computers. (For those unfamiliar with NGO jargon, 'development
sector' means the NGO and voluntary sector.)
- Hassath
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT) announces
Workshop for Women on:
Linux and Free/Open Source Software
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT) is holding a workshop to
introduce women from the development sector to Linux and Free/Open
Source Software. This workshop is meant for non-technical, ordinary
users of computers.
We will provide participants an overview of computer hardware, a
general idea about Linux, and have a demonstration installation of
different distributions of Linux on machines. Participants will get an
opportunity to try their hand at using Linux.
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT)
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT) is a not-for-profit organization
based in New Delhi working towards empowering women through
technology. The organization aims at increasing women's awareness,
interest and participation in technology in order to decrease the
gender divide in technology usage and increase women's participation
in technical workforce and policy making.
Website: www.fat-net.org
Who can apply?
Any woman from the development sector interested in gaining an
exposure to Linux. Must be familiar with using a computer, and must
understand English.
Registration Fee (To cover the cost of the workshop): Rs. 500 (Non-Refundable)
Aman Trust
2nd Floor, O-63
Lajpat Nagar Part 2
Date: 11th April, 2008
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
Deadline to register: 30th March 2008
How to register:
To register, please fill in the registration form attached (you can
also down load it from our website: www.fat-net.org) and email it to
us immediately at projects at fat-net.org. Limited seats available.
To pay the registration fee, send a bank draft of Rs.500 payable to
"Feminist Approach to Technology" by 30th March 2008 to the address
mentioned below.
Gayatri Buragohain
Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT)
I 50, 2nd Floor
Lajpat Nagar I
New Delhi 110024
Tel: 9953679547
Please note: We will not bear any travel or accommodation costs for
any participant.
This workshop is meant for non-technical users.
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