[IndiChix] Chapter Name suggestions
Aneesh Mulye
aneesh.mulye at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 19:25:37 UTC 2008
On 29/02/2008, Aneesha Govil <popcorn09 at gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> Yes, I mind being called a chick of any kind. Yes, I joined linuxchix
> after a lot of nudging from couple of friends but no, I do not like
> the name. And it is not my own personal opinion. I know a lot of women
> here who do not like it. It is, of course, their choice whether to
> voice it or not.
> That being said, I think many of us would not feel comfortable going
> to conservative women's colleges and try to convince them to be
> linux"chix" when we ourselves do not like being called "chix". I won't
> go to my own college and evangelize it either simply because I know my
> college and people there and how seriously they would (not) take it.
> And yes, it may be about mindsets but I am not here to change the
> mindset of people, I am simply here to evangelize FOSS and Linux. It
> is as simple as that.
> Aneesha.
I must admit, this is a problem I've faced not infrequently myself while
trying to introduce the group in my own college. I tried it out on a
classmate of mine whom I thought would be interested. She was - right up to
the point I mentioned the name. The response to it was not unequivocally
positive (to put it mildly).
This is not an isolated case - I've seen the same pattern repeated quite a
number of times. The name seems to somehow put off people who would be
otherwise interested.
It also appears that both our options are unpalatable. On the one hand,
giving the group an Indian-only name would probably dissociate it too much
from its roots. OTOH, continuing with the 'Chix' moniker is going to
considerably hamper the spread of the organisation.
Personally, I'm for sticking with 'LinuxChix' for the name of the overall
organisation, but giving the Indian chapter a name which is unique and not
dependent on LC, in a manner similar to how every college affiliated to the
University of Pune does not pre/postfix the words 'University of Pune' to
its name. This way, we can refer to $INDIAN_NAME as the Indian branch of
LinuxChix, but won't need to refer to the 'LinuxChix" part every time we
need to discuss the organisation. As this is what I guess we were planning
to do anyway, I don't think this has been too much of a help.
Just my two paise.
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