[IndiChix] Chapter Name suggestions

Hassath hassath at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 02:00:36 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:50 AM, Atul Chitnis <mail at atulchitnis.net> wrote:

>  [...] This is
>  probably not that obvious to women because the term is rarely used in
>  conversation when a woman is present, but in an all-male group, the term
>  is more likely to be used in a less-than-complimentary manner.

I guess that's an argument in favour of using an obscure Sanskrit
word. I can't think of any familiar terms that refer to women which
HAVEN'T been used in a derogatory way in all-male company, because the
problem isn't with the *words* but with a certain *attitude* towards

You don't even have to be in all-male company in North India to
regularly hear abusive terms based on the Hindi words for 'mother' and
'sister' used almost as punctuation, in public. Isn't that a problem
with the people rather than the words?

But anyway, that seems a very pathetic reason to change a name.

- Hassath

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