[IndiChix] Chix Semantics

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 05:12:12 UTC 2008

> I'd say, encourage them to *give* solid contributions to the Free
> Software community. TBH, we have many users and few who bother to
> actually contribute. In short... many talk, few walk the talk.

Umm, so how do we motivate the talkers to walk?

Set up committees(similar to Ubuntu bounties or Fedora councils ) and
appoint leadership for each of them? The leadership can serve the purpose

- coordinating
- correspondence
- create collaborative venues ( say IRC meetings/ mailinglists/ direct
meetups) for similar interest members
- recruit new members from schools/ colleges
- relay activities of indichix members to parent chapter/ OSS projects

What do you gals think?

Gayathri Swaminathan
gpgkey: 3EFB3D39
Volunteer, FD
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