[IndiChix] FOSSkriti feedback

Shreyas Srinivasan sshreyas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 12:37:19 UTC 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 5:49 PM, Arun Raghavan <arunisgod at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2008 5:22 PM, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
> <foss.mailinglists at gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> The kernel workshop was great -- Ankita delivered a clear, articulate,
> and accessible workshop on getting started on the Linux kernel --
> *twice*. The LinuxChix talk had some good response, but I'll let
> Ankita write this up (she has all the notes :D).

I second this, She has a very good presentation style and can speak
quite well. All good traits to get the audience inspired to work on something.

I think Arun and Co ran a great conference, I am going to write a
detailed review about it soon. I think the dynamics of the conference
should be a model for other colegge conferences. The whole idea of
the conference was so hands on and refreshing, almost every
speaker sat down and with a bunch of interested speakers
and showed them how its done. Infact hopefully there will
be a FOSSKriti patch release, which shows all the work which
happened during the event.

CelAbrate your flaws

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