[IndiChix] OSI-Bangalore

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 04:51:15 UTC 2008


I had attended Klaus Knopper's (the Star speaker) talk at OSI week[0]
and came away impressed. He introduced his work and spoke about the
Knoppix project[1], touched upon the synergy between Free software,
OpenSource and propreitary software. His approach was very balanced
and he had a good grasp of the licensing issues and spoke at length
during the Q&A sessions which went beyond the alloted time.

On the second day his wife Adriane was to conduct a workshop on
accessibility software[2] on which she works with Klaus. Having taken
ill, it was conducted by Klaus instead and they covered a gamut of
technological areas related to barrier-free Internet access which
sighted people usually take for granted. It was interesting and also
unfortunate that our government has not made it a mandatory for sites
to be accessibility-friendly unlike the EU.

[0] http://www.hindu.com/2008/02/13/stories/2008021354240700.htm
[1] http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html
[2] http://knopper.net/knoppix-adriane/index-en.html

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