[IndiChix] [Pune]:BOF at Gnunify

Runa Bhattacharjee runa.misc at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 08:30:52 UTC 2008

[This message might hit the list twice, as I had wrongly posted using a different address. Apologies 
in advance]

Hi Manjusha,

Manjusha Joshi wrote:
 > Hi,
 > In Gnunify-2008 there is slot for BOF for Linux-chix. Runa will be  co-ordinating it.  Runa must 
thought on that. I think list can contribute in what can be done?
 > What are your ideas? What should be done in that? Can discuss some thing specific, useful?
 > Who else is coming along with Runa? I will be certainly there.
 > Is Barakha planning to come?
 > Anyone else is coming for Gnunify at Pune?
 > Schedule is up now. Visit www.gnunify.in <http://www.gnunify.in>
 > I wish those who are coming to gnunify can gather at BOF.
 > Runa, how about announcing it on plug mailing list so that people will get aware
 > in advance about what is linuxchix?
 > And that way, can tell their friends, sister, students to come for that session.
 > Yes! It will be kind of advertising of BOF on linuxchix.
 > It will be useful.

We already put it on the Upcoming Event section on the main page:


Additional mail to the plug would be good too :-)

The talk (~10 minutes at the start of the bof session) extract  is similar to what ankita is 
planning for FOSSKriti:

"This talk will focus on the current status of the group and strategy for the year and information 
on how and where you can participate and contribute."

For the bof session, I am expecting that we might have to take questions. Alongwith that I suggest,

1. that we can take forward the topics discussed in the last meeting 
2. highlight volunteering opportunities listed in the volunteering section and discuss about doable 
3. list out items that we can implement (like the event suggestion at Abeda Inamdar Girls college),
4. <any other topics>

Perhaps we can add to this..



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