[IndiChix] Planet Linuxchix India

Swati Sani swati at sanisoft.com
Fri Feb 1 04:42:32 UTC 2008

Vid Ayer wrote:
> well blogs are about the lives of people and in this case women but if
> you are particular then submit a tagged feed, instead of the whole
> blog. 
You probably mean a feed of an appropriate tag rather than a tagged 
feed. This difference is not just semantic - but used by websites like 
Technorati to categorise feeds

> btw, is there a way to tag with 5-7 categories?
RSS feed has a <category> </category> tag for the items as well as the 
channel - most sane blogging softwares use the tags/keywords given to 
the blog as channel level <category> yes they can be multiple and 
tags/keywords given to posts as item level <category> elements.

Coming back to the original question - yes I know that Wordpress for one 
allows for feeds of multiple categories - but the category selection is 
additive rather than filtering (OR vs AND) which can be a pain for 
creating more specifically targeted feeds.

Any girl willing to take this up as a small project? That is, having AND 
operation for selecting posts rather than OR operation.


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