[Indianlc] on web conf solution

Philip Tellis philip.tellis at UaZe1LuL7ZLGRzJmpN728cif-ZPTHgbLBWwIXLeqCgYGN187j7dSBJxyOywwAy82oaDCvnu0t-2J1z5dodu8DQ.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jan 16 09:46:19 UTC 2006

Sometime Today, mr cobbled together some glyphs to say:

>   I need some info regarding web conferencing solutions based on open
> source. I am doing an article on web conf, and havent come across any
> muft and mukt software for the same.

A few years ago I was doing similar research, and wrote up this report 
on computer mediated collaboration:

Maybe some of it will be useful to you.  If nothing else, the large 
number of links at the end should provide pointers.


Mulder: I think it's remotely plausible that someone might
 	think you're hot.

 	"The X-Files: E.B.E"


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