[Indianlc] Re: Technical help

Diabolic Preacher pintooo15 at RaqGXz_SjDVz50kCsAsc9nDRqCoNwyzNyDZPmsCWDdRelw8VN5iH-GlxfnrSNrTMSHGyz-sv7AsPlNs.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jan 11 07:48:16 UTC 2006

On 1/11/06, Diya Saxena <funnyprogramer at wrqXMqkXc7Ek5GwAUOtw0UDGfqO_bm7jzSoYpNqnMN3PsSTw1J87CemM7HPmDZrLkMxJtMoSthGf8HBJvnk.yahoo.invalid> wrote:
>What I got from your mail is that we will provide links to
> the sites which host all the docs so that who ever will visit our
> site will also get an idea where to get more info. But again I think
> thats what anyone can google out and find.

there does remain a difference. google results depend on your query
terms and of course the results change. otoh a links page on a site
consisting of sites which some of the women in the group have voted
for to be genuinely helpful would always remain positioned as
such.....but then the problem u define below also needs to be tackled.

> Problem with this approach is that tldp definitely hosts a lot of
> documents but problem is that most of them are outdated. and they
> dont talk much about beginners stuff.

although the docs at tldp are written in a format to give the
information as extensively as possible, not seeing how much of an info
overload it causes. take an example of referring to the enormous FHS
(file hierarchy structure) document to understand what /bin /usr /mnt,
etc. mean.

>When someone new to linux
> tries to take an experience of it and try out then she faces a lot
> of problems. she does not know what /home /dev /proc /usr etc are.
> even she does not know what does it mean by /dev/hda1 etc. she must
> have installed windows first and she must be used to formatting teh
> harddisk as c: d: etc. so she wonders how to create c: in linux :-).

this is very true. for this reason, besides a links page a little bit
of documentation for the newbie women (and maybe for newbie men too)
targetting these little doubts in mind would help in the long term to
gain more converts....to gnu/linux/foss.

> I remember when i tried first i used to get frustrated and start
> asking people having some knowledge of unix/linux and then found
> out, ok so things work this way.

let's try and make these doc pages equivalent of those friendly
advices to those people who aren't in contact with anyone who can help
with linux (without being impolite).

Diabolic Preacher
As Is
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