Technical help

Diya Saxena funnyprogramer at
Tue Jan 10 09:48:38 UTC 2006

Hi Ramprasad

Ramprasad B <ramprasad_i82 at y...> wrote:
> Diya Saxena <funnyprogramer at y...> wrote:    
>  Now some one else was also talking about contribution to the 
>  community... now my suggestion is that if someone who has some free 
>  time can (s)he come up with a beginners document? Like what are the 
>  filesystyems in linux. How to format the harddrive for linux 
>  installation. What are the choices of the distros and from where to 
>  get. How to make systems dual boot etc. and yes that can be 
>  contributed back to tldp and I think that can really help more 
>  to start using Linux.
>  <reply>
>  That's good idea, but you get the same content at different sites, 
right ? 
>  What to be done is collect them, seggregate and put up in a 
>  </reply>

Correct, the infomation is available in various places, but the 
problem is that a new comer might not know where to search. As you 
have suggested we have to collect the info and archieve them and 
aliong with that we can fill in the gaps too by providing some info, 
docs or links etc.

>    if ppl want I can 
>  write up some document about kernel compilation. Open embedded 
>  buildsystem, kernel and user space debugging etc...
>  <reply>
>  It's better to start ...
>  </reply>

I am ready to do that, but I am not very sure whats the expectation of 
the group and how many people really want those type of docs in here.



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