[Indianlc] Re: Linux chix india Website

Sulamita Garcia sulamita at TJcjKi3FmKvRVbHvqdspk0q4bpNT2ZjiIAAC3JhpPs3rv2kpVz764Xbx6soYTOMdxSXSZ2bHxZDfeQ6lA66m1Q.yahoo.invalid
Thu Feb 9 13:50:54 UTC 2006

Hi list

We cannot forget that not all people are very nice. If they were, we
wouldn't even need Linuxchix to exist, because would be just gentle people
in the cyber space treating everybody equaly and would be no need to
gender discussion. But since real world is diferent, we need to have some
We (lcx-br) have a wiki page and often we have to undo some pages some
people create just to anoy. It doesn't matter wiki is a open tool, which
everyone can change anything and we want to keep it open, a lot of kidies
don't get this and keep trying to "deface" the site.
So I'm sure the idea of Pooja and Swati is not have and "chosen few"
contributors, but for their own safety, I thing is better have a control
and filter the content.

And btw, Fred, I just want to say that is great the attention you are
giving to Linuxchix projects in general, as in your mails about LCX Africa
and India. Thank you for your help :)

> In my view, the great side of GNU/Linux (and Free/Libre and Open Source
> Software in general) is that it allows a whole lot of people, often
> unknown to each other, to collaborate and work with one another... and
> build something beautiful.
> Probably we need not be too "security" conscious...
> Tools like the Wiki (based on the FLOSS idea of sharing knowledge, and
> collaborative functioning again) have shown their maturity in being able
> to deliver... FN
> ============================================================
> From: "Diya Saxena" <funnyprogramer at wO4_tc7k9cPZROn29RYZIifV41h2y_WDuxqMC7SRkTDejFDZhKzhupkzYZAG9Lcm4ezSG9qCHdtZHVdeBUv9blaVzg.yahoo.invalid>
> Date: 2006/02/09 Thu PM 12:19:23 GMT+05:30
> To: Indianlc at yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Indianlc] Re: Linux chix india Website
> Hi Pooja
>> >> Can we have a way to upload the files.
>> > coz allowing only a few to upload the files may not be inviting to
> new
>> > people.
>> >
>> Giving access to everybody on the website space is dangerous. The
>> motive behind giving limited access is to have few people who can
>> monitor the content and keep it updated. And that group of trusted
>> people can grow with time.
> Well first thing, I am a total novice when it comes to web designing
> or web hosting. But still I have a doubt. How come other sites such as
> tldp allow users to upload file. here upload means i have a copy of
> the file, from the website i can browse and point to my document and
> it gets uploaded and a link is created in the documents section. Is
> that not possible to get done without security problem?
> Thanks
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ============================================================
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
> Freelance Journalist      TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
> Skype/Yahoomessenger: fredericknoronha www.bytesforall.net
> Yahoo! Groups Links

"A little less conversation, a little more action please"
 °v°  Sulamita Garcia
/(_)\  LinuxChix Brasil
^ ^  http://www.linuxchix.org.br/

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