[Indianlc] for the non slashdotters

hassath hassath at TqAM6lIB5zE2cElWAF6WMq9mI3lMWFq4OixvGcTjiodI2qaVndmU11c6M2XjdL_tQfMQlQyXAi2kWAdhxd1BJwYY.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 20 04:40:23 UTC 2005

> The main goal/purpose of LC-IN is to encourage women to discuss and
> ask questions freely about Linux. So, please refrain from treating the
> mailing list of linuxchix.org.in as a *posting board* for recycled
> news clippings, advert's or interesting links.  Imagine if each member
> subscribed here started generating noise over news available elsewhere
> via RSS. After the new website is up maybe we can keep a seperate
> mailing list for such stuff. What do all the women reading this think
> ? Please speak-up and feel free to disagree <ducks ;-)>

I agree completely. I was interested when the discussion was happening.
But when the discussion started becoming a "list of links", I started
I would not, though, disregard the importance of being pointed to
relevant material. I think it's a good idea to have a separate mailing
list for such stuff. Anyone who is interested and has the time to read
all that, can just go there and look up things.
And if there is something really important and relevant to the
discussions at hand, then whoever has read/written something they want
to share with the list, could perhaps take the trouble to paraphrase the
points and send that to the list.

I don't know about the other women on the list. But I can speak for
myself- my work involves FLOSS, I am interested in this discussion, but
I would find it unfair that a prerequisite for participating in this
discussion would be the rather large amount of time needed to read
various (long) articles and look at several websites. 

I think that women's experiences, thoughts, questions and feelings about
FLOSS would make this list interesting and helpful. (And, of course,
valuable support from the men, too.) I hope all of us can contribute our
effort and time, however much it may be, towards a gender-friendly FLOSS

- Hassath


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