[Indianlc] Intro to LCI list

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay sankarshan.mukhopadhyay at HCYmEgZ7js5Snj2p1h8K6AFoS61Ov0OfNoSbuyXXvwyenJbFZwE_Qtjf6mJvV5Md2sXoNND-dsebGXwjM0aLaC0ISmUK2eWQqbg.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 17 05:51:15 UTC 2005

Frederick Noronha (FN) wrote:
> Hi Swati, What about Free Software and GNU ;-) FN

Fred - are you by any chance being a troll ? <g,d & r>

> On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 18:42 +0530, Swati Sani wrote:
>>LinuxChix India group has been started to initiate Indian women into
>>being more vocal about their love for Linux and Open Source. So if you
>>are a woman who is passionate about Open source and are already deep
>>into it, let it show here. For those who are not there yet but are
>>aspiring to be, this is the place to be.
>>I would like the introduction of the website as well as this group to
>>be similar hence the request.

As a general occurence (and not by any rule) derivative/branch
chapters/groups tend to carry forward the message of the parent group
and then add the local touches.

Would it be possible to re-use LC's original and then put in place the
ILC touches ?

Swati: Linux & Open Source - is this too restrictive ? Would it be
possible to consider casting the net a bit wider ?



You see things; and you say 'Why?';
But I dream things that never were;
and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw


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