LinuxChix-India -- was-- Re: [Indianlc] hello people!

Luiz Guaraldo ( Software Livre ) software.livre at
Thu Dec 15 12:56:12 UTC 2005

Great Ideas...

LinuxChix Brasil has grown very mutch in the last years, an LinuxChix 
Indian can be vary happy with this ideas.

Good luck! You have my support in what you need (everything but money - 
I don't have how to send money to you...) :-D


Luiz Guaraldo
Analista de Sistemas


PABx...: 55-51-2131-9333
Direto.: 55-51-2131-9325
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ICQ...: 256177778
YID...: guaraldo_rs
MSN...: guaraldo_rs at
E-mail: guaraldo at
        guaraldo at

Brasmarine Serviços Portuários LTDA.
Avenida Ceará, 410  -  CEP 90240-510
Porto Alegre   /   RS    /    Brasil

|| स्वक्ष || svaksha escreveu:

>Hello Archana,
>On 12/15/05, Archana.S.R <archu.oct at> wrote:
>>and now iam back into the list! after a 3 month gap
>.. Yay :-) It was quiet and Sulamita (brazil) was wondering why no one
>responded to her mails either. I was here in July from the main
>Linuxchix, where I moderate 2 ML's.
>Recently a few LChix met Sulamita and we did decide to get more
>active. Here are a few suggestions (please add your own too)  :
>1] A Web-site (we could register a domain after polling for names and
>raising funds) with some artwork and statement of why we exist on the
>main page. It will be nice to see this page reflect the Indian ethos
>and flavor. *Women* please contribute your ideas for designing this
>page since its your list and hence your platform to speak up. I could
>arrange the web-hosting and other ML's.
>2] If this group is built along the same principles of LC and a local
>chapter in India, it will be nice to prominently display the "Be
>polite, Be helpful" rule with a link to the Howto maintained by Val
>Henson [*a].
>3] More categories in M-lists,
>Note : All Lists are open to men (with the exception of grrls-only).
>*] tech-list : for all technical/programming queries doubts, sharing, etc..
>*] newbie-list : women  (and men) can freely ask any questions about
>Linux where  they will not be told to RTFM. This will help those on
>the fence, thinking about Linux or having used/seen it somewhere but
>not sure if it is for them. I have met some who like Linux but are not
>sure which distro to use and don't know where to ask or how to begin.
>*] local-city wise chapter : if any chix want to meet up locally or
>announce programs for their city./state or college events.
>*] job-list for women: Companies wishing to hire women could use this
>platform to announce openings.
>*] grrls-only list : This list will be non-archived and could be only
>for women with no restrictions on topics. You can talk about anything
>you like and I surely the men will not grudge us this one exclusive
>list ;-) and hence subscription will be based on a circle of trust
>(where each woman vouches for another). For other new women, we will
>work somethig out soon.
>*] <add your idea here>
>These lists may work or not, we don't know.  It may also take a long
>time to grow but its worth the effort. We will need a lot of
>Women-Volunteers so those willing, raise your hands and you can write
>to me offlist too.  You will enjoy the learning experience.
>What do you all think. Women, please speak-up. Here I must state that
>I would especially like women to vote, since LC-India is for them. Men
>*are* welcome to participate, suggest, help and give inputs and ideas,
>but honestly don't you think women should be allowed to decide how
>they want their website and design them too.
>Thanks for reading,
>|| स्वक्ष || svaksha
>Yahoo! Groups Links
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