[Indianlc] very small fonts of group posts in mail

Archana.S.R archu.oct at WQfsQGjavG_FHx5X9W5iAITLSjooLWBbkp2eZcoEgjaXPekk0hH3WEIX7YdPxY964AUC2_Bpa4PIyfK0KJg.yahoo.invalid
Sat Aug 20 14:33:27 UTC 2005

> Now onwards I'm able to read the mails without doing ctrl++. I hope we
> plain texters won't be missing out much...eh?

ofcourse yes..
if at all anyone need to send some image or anything can send that
link or uplaod that stuff in the files section in the group :-)

Archu @ Archana.S.R.  - BTech IT
"First they laugh at you, then they neglect you, then they fight you
and then you win"


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