[Courses] [python] Object-oriented programming
Prana Peddi
prana.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 23:01:51 UTC 2011
Hi Akkana,
I was wondering how to specify inheritance in python - I was planning to use
vehicles, 2 wheeled vehicles, 4-wheeled vehicles, Bicycles, Cars, Bus,
Motorcycles for my contrived OOP exercise but was not sure how to specify
Also, what is the right way to refer to class variables and methods that are
common for all classes: for eg. count of objects of a particular class? I
thought that ClassName.classvariable would be the way to go but your class
notes refer to these are self.classvariable - I thought, class variables
should have no concept of "self". Can you please clarify?
My answers are below -
> ========================= Homework =============================
> 1. Write a better loop for that flashcard program so that it exits
> if the user types 'q', and prints out the number right or wrong.
> Hint: you'll probably have to change quiz_user so it returns something
> other than just True or False.
#! /usr/bin/python
import random
class Flashcard:
correct = 0
wrong = 0
def __init__(self, q, a):
self.question = q
self.answer = a
def checkresult(self, response):
flag = True
str1 = self.answer.strip().lower().split()
str2 = response.strip().lower().split()
if(len(str1) == len(str2)):
for i in range(len(str1)):
if str1[i] != str2[i]:
flag = False
flag = False
return flag
def printresult(self, response):
if self.checkresult(response):
print "That's right!"
Flashcard.correct += 1
print "Sorry, Wrong. The Answer is {0}.".format(self.answer)
Flashcard.wrong += 1
def printtotals(self):
print "Total: %d, Correct: %d, Wrong: %d\n" %
(Flashcard.correct+Flashcard.wrong, Flashcard.correct, Flashcard.wrong)
def quiz_verify(self):
t = raw_input("{0}\n".format(self.question))
if t != 'q':
return t
def __repr__(self):
print "Flashcard: question: %s, answer: %s" % (self.question,
cards = [
Flashcard("What are the colors of the US flag?" , "Red white blue"),
Flashcard("Who is the President of the United States?" , "Barack
Flashcard("Who is the Vice President of the United States?" , "Joe
Flashcard("Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?" , "Thomas
Flashcard("Who was the first President of the United States?" , "GEorge
def getrandomsample():
return random.choice(cards).quiz_verify()
print "====================================="
while True:
t = getrandomsample()
if (t == "q"):
print "Exiting"
print "====================================="
> 2. Write a Quiz class that creates flashcards and runs the loop to
> quiz the user.
#! /usr/bin/python
import random
class Flashcard:
def __init__(self, q, a):
self.question = q
self.answer = a
def checkresult(self, response):
flag = True
str1 = self.answer.strip().lower().split()
str2 = response.strip().lower().split()
if(len(str1) == len(str2)):
for i in range(len(str1)):
if str1[i] != str2[i]:
flag = False
flag = False
return flag
def quiz_verify(self):
t = raw_input("{0}\n".format(self.question))
return t, self.checkresult(t)
def __repr__(self):
return "Flashcard: question: %s, answer: %s\n" % (self.question,
class Quiz:
line = "====================================="
def __init__(self):
self.flashcards = []
self.correct = 0
self.wrong = 0
def __add__(self, q, a):
self.flashcards.append(Flashcard(q, a))
def printtotals(self):
print "Total: %d, Correct: %d, Wrong: %d\n" %
(self.correct+self.wrong, self.correct, self.wrong)
def updatecount(self, res):
if res:
print "That's right!"
self.correct += 1
print "Sorry, Wrong."
self.wrong += 1
def quiz(self):
print self.line
while True:
(t, r) = random.choice(self.flashcards).quiz_verify()
if t == 'q':
print self.line
print "Exiting"
def __repr__(self):
str = "Quiz: no of flashcards: %d\n" % (len(self.flashcards))
for i in range(len(self.flashcards)):
str = "%s %s" % (str, self.flashcards[i])
return str
quiz = Quiz()
quiz.__add__("What are the colors of the US flag?" , "Red white blue")
quiz.__add__("Who is the President of the United States?" , "Barack Obama"),
quiz.__add__("Who is the Vice President of the United States?" , "Joe
quiz.__add__("Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?" , "Thomas
quiz.__add__("Who was the first President of the United States?" , "GEorge
#print quiz
3. (optional) Rewrite your random sentence generation program from
> lesson 5 so it's object oriented. Hint: you could make your list of
> nouns, verbs etc. could be class variables, like "line" in my example
> above.
import random
class sentence:
article = [ "a", "the", "an"]
subject = [ "clock", "sun", "John", "Jane", "baby"]
intran_verb = [ "ran", "waited", "glowed", "delayed" ]
tran_verb = [ "fixed", "played", "hit", "rang" ]
obj = [ "me", "song", "game", "ball", "drum", "bell" ]
adjective = ["beautiful", "stupid", "weak", "kind", "lively" ]
sentence = [
"{0} {1}.".format(random.choice(subject),
"{0} {1} {2}.".format(random.choice(subject),
random.choice(tran_verb), random.choice(obj)),
"{0} {1} {2} {3}.".format(random.choice(subject),
random.choice(tran_verb), random.choice(adjective),
"{0} {1} {2}.".format(random.choice(article),
random.choice(subject), random.choice(intran_verb)),
"{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}.".format(random.choice(article),
random.choice(subject), random.choice(tran_verb),
random.choice(article), random.choice(obj)),
"{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}.".format(random.choice(article),
random.choice(tran_verb), random.choice(article),
random.choice(adjective), random.choice(obj)),
def makesentence(self):
return random.choice(self.sentence)
s = sentence()
while (True) :
inp = raw_input("q to quit, enter to continue\n")
if (inp == "q") :
print "quiting"
else :
print s.makesentence()
> 4. (optional) Come up with a better homework assignment for object-
> oriented programming in Python, then solve it. :-)
#! /usr/bin/python
# Create classes for authors and books and associate them with each other
class Author:
def __init__(self, n, m, g):
self.name = n
self.email = m
self.gender = g
def getName(self):
return self.name
def setName(self, n):
self.name = n
def getEmail(self):
return self.email
def setEmail(self, m):
self.email = m
def getGender(self):
return self.gender
def setGender(self, g):
self.gender = g
def __repr__(self):
return "Author: %s\t%s\t%s" % (self.name, self.email, self.gender)
class Book:
def __init__(self, n, a, p, q):
self.name = n
self.author = a
self.price = p
self.qtyinstock = q
def getName(self):
return self.name
def getAuthor(self):
return self.author
def getPrice(self):
return self.price
def setPrice(self, p):
self.price = p
def getQtyInStock(self):
return self.qtyinstock
def setQtyInStock(self, q):
self.qtyinstock = q
def __repr__(self):
return "Book: %s\t[[%s]]\t%f\t%d" % (self.name, self.author,
self.price, self.qtyinstock)
def testAuthor():
auth = Author("Jane Austen", "N/A", 'F')
print auth
auth.setEmail("jane.austen at ukpub.com")
print auth
return auth
def testBook():
author = testAuthor()
book = Book("Pride and Prejudice", author, 9.95, 1000)
print book
book1 = Book("Wuthering Heights", Author("Charlotte Bronte", "
charlotte.bronte at ukpub.com", 'F'), 9.95, 1000)
print book1
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