[Courses] [Postgresql] IRC Chat times

Michelle M michelle at murrain.net
Tue Nov 20 02:30:26 UTC 2007

Hi all,

First off, I want to heartily apologize to those of you who are on the 
other side of the planet as me. I will try my best to vary some of the 
times of the chats, but invariably, most of them will happen when some 
of you are asleep.

Also, because of some extenuating circumstances (this week being US 
Thanksgiving, and next week I'm travelling to Europe) there won't be any 
scheduled chats. I'll try to hang out in the #courses channel some, but 
we'll get to the regular chats during week 3.

Michelle Murrain
michelle at murrain.net
Blog: http://www.metacentricities.com

Skype: pearlbear
AIM: pearlbear0

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