[Courses] Using Postgresql

Michelle M michelle at murrain.net
Thu Nov 8 01:12:24 UTC 2007

maria rahman-alsema wrote:
> This course looks very interesting, so I'd love to "register" for it.

You might want to enroll on the moodle site. To do that, you have to 
create a linuxchix.org account, then you can log into the moodle site.

> Donna mentions an IRC channel, but I don't really know what that is.
> If it's necessary to follow the course, could you or someone else,
> please explain it to me?

It's not at all necessary. IRC is synchronous chat, and I expect I'll 
have Q&A and discussion sessions in the #courses channel of the 
irc.linuxchix.org server. Check out 
http://www.linuxchix.org/irc-chat.html for more info

> One more question is bothering me, since some time: there are one or
> two older courses on the list, that I'd like to follow too. Could I
> look up the lessons in the archives and study them?

Sure, that's always possible. There all still in the list archives. We 
had hoped to import that all to moodle, but I think that effort has 
gotten stalled somewhat.

Michelle Murrain
michelle at murrain.net
Blog: http://www.metacentricities.com

Skype: pearlbear
AIM: pearlbear0

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