[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 3: 101 Satisfying Retorts For All Occassion]

Carla Schroder carla at bratgrrl.com
Wed Apr 18 20:20:43 UTC 2007

On Monday 16 April 2007 10:05, Laylaa wrote:
> Yes. This did teach me to just not talk to people or channel my quiet side
> (which is a bit hard because as people know, I'm just too talkative). Or at
> least, not necessarily not talk to people, just don't engage in extraneous
> conversation with them.
> It won't solve all my problems but it's a start?

I wouldn't go that far. I like talking to random persons in my travels; it's fun and you meet interesting people and learn neat stuff. Unless you live in a seriously scary town, you're going to encounter way more cool people than creeps.

> In case anyone was worrying, this instance isn't really a problem anymore
> because that was back when I was in school and now I'm back home, different
> country etc (new challenges?).

I'm glad you posted the story anyway, because it was a good lesson in thinking of different ways to deal with creeps. The point I want to emphasize is don't go it alone! Gather your allies, talk to people, talk to law enforcement. Stoic silence helps the bad guys.

Carla Schroder
Linux geek and random computer tamer
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