[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 3: 101 Satisfying Retorts For All Occassion]

Laylaa laylaa+linuxchix at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 09:02:03 UTC 2007

There was this guy I would always meet at the laundromat.
I'm nice. I'm friendly. Sometimes you start conversing while waiting for

He really bugged me tho. For various reasons I started changing my laundry
schedule and wandering into a shop/food while I waited for it to finish.
Stupid small town. *sigh*

Once I was waiting at the grocery for the bus to go back home and he saw me
and offered me a ride. I politely thanked him and said no thanks. He said,
but you have so many bags and you still have to walk after you get off the
bus. Still no thanks. His response to that was that I was behaving like a
little girl/child (for worrying about my security).

I don't remember what I told him exactly aside from "No I'm not behaving
like a child but an adult".

I wish I had a better answer then than just being stunned that someone would
call someone else childish for not taking a ride with a stranger. *I* could
even have been the crazed person.


On 14/04/07, carla at bratgrrl.com <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:
> - Not getting on an elevator when there are scary people in it. "I'll
> catch the next one" is perfectly appropriate when your warning bells are
> going off. But won't their feelings be hurt? Probably not, and if they are
> that's just another confirmation that you don't need to be confined with
> them.

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