[Courses] [Spineful Living, lesson 2: When Nice = Rude]

Listpig listpig at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 9 17:57:21 UTC 2007

"Sir, is there someone else there that I could speak to who is interested in
helping solve the problem, rather than critiquing my abilities?"

That's kind of what comes to my mind, although I can see that it would
likely head for a debate.  Once it started doing so, though, I'd think you'd
want to refuse to argue and simply dig your heels in and request escalation.

What do you think?


On 4/9/07 12:44, "Carla Schroder" <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:

> My first impulse is to not even bother with Mr. Dork, but insist on an
> escalation. Then when your situation is resolved, file a formal complaint
> with Mr Dork's boss. Does this sound like an effective tactic?

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