[Courses] dreams

K. Clair kclair at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 15:10:48 UTC 2007

This is very late I guess :)

My biggest dream is to get out of IT.  My life took an unexpected turn
about 8 years ago when I graduated with a philosophy degree and one of
my friends who had started a web hosting company asked if I wanted a
job doing tech support.  At the time I knew how to use a shell (back
in the day when all we had for email was elm!) and how to write some
html but that was it. 8 years later I find myself the sysadmin, but
all along I've known that this is not the kind of work I want to be
doing.  Sure it's been fun, but it is certainly not "my bliss"
(thanks, Joseph Campbell).

That said, even though I don't want to be doing IT professionally, I
*do* want to continue to work on various activist-IT projects, which
are mostly women-oriented yay.  It would be utterly fantastic if this
manifested some small income, in the way of grants, so that it could
be something that I don't have to fund, seeing as how I won't have any
money to fund anything after I leave IT. :)  So I guess this means
learning something about grant writing, which has been a goal of mine
for years but I've never quite found the time to do it.

To make a living I want to teach yoga.  Ideally, I would be able to
teach and charge people less money than what I consider to be the
outrageous rates that people (including me) are paying now for yoga.
The reality of this may be a bit trickier since it is apparently
difficult to make a living teaching while charging the current
outrageous rates.  But anyway, the dream is to make yoga more
accessible to more populations, economically and culturally speaking.
I would LOVE to teach affordable classes that are super friendly to
the lgbt community.  Perhaps this could be related to the grant

In order to carry out the dream to teach yoga, I will need to fulfill
my second biggest dream, which is to become more articulate and less
constantly doubting everything I'm about to say.  Also I'd like to be
able to keep a thought in my head when speaking to a group.

Oh, and I want to get over my relationship phobias :).

Thanks for having this course, it's a great idea!

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