[Courses] please reply with what kind of courses are you interested in

Fazia Begum Rizvi fazia at faziarizvi.net
Wed Oct 12 04:53:44 EST 2005

On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Dan wrote:

>>> It was unfortunate that there was little response to the Perl course.
>>> <snip>
>>> it must have been disheartening for the tutor
> It wasn't as disheartening as you might think. There was a little
> discussion in the beginning, so I knew people were out there.
> One other person was leading a course at the same time, and since there
> was no discussion she asked if anyone was following it. She got over ten
> replies. The people are there even if they're not making any noise.
>>> and less interesting for the students.
> Yes, I think it is. In particular, nobody asked the list any questions,
> but I think everyone would have benefitted from some.
> But I know that many people follow courses passively, because that's
> what I do! We don't always have a lot of time to invest in learning a
> new skill, but we can still glean some knowledge by skimming it. It's
> not necessarily a lack of discipline: it may be the best use of our
> time.
>> people who are
>> motivated enough to do a course on programming here have also been
>> motivated enough to teach themselves.
> I think that's true too.

I thought I'd mention that I was one of the students in Dan's Perl course, 
and I found it very helpful. I bacame "quiet" when life events meant that 
I wasn't able to keep up in real-time. But I still have all the emails and 
lessons from the course at the point at which I had to stop - and I intend 
to resume going through them, even though the course has long since ended.

ad astra,

   (    Fazia Begum Rizvi
    )   www.faziarizvi.net

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