[Courses] [Careers] Lori MacVittie

Akkana Peck akkana at shallowsky.com
Thu Feb 10 03:34:11 EST 2005

Lori wrote:
> > I never thought I'd
> >use LISP outside of college, but guess what AutoCAD R13 used as its 
> >primary scripting language? Yup, LISP. 

Sue Stones writes:
> Wow.  I had heard that AutoCAD was written in LISP, but when I tried to 
[ ... ]
> Is LISP used for actual graphics?  If not what?  Do you have any 

I believe AutoCAD uses LISP for scripting, not as the implementation
language for its own core.  So it's like emacs and gimp, which
are written in C but use lisp as their built-in scripting languages
(though gimp can also be scripted in perl or python).

I presume Lisp is popular for built-in scripting languages because
it's so straightforward to write a lisp parser and simple lisp
interpreter.  But whatever the reason, a bit of lisp knowledge
is still surprisingly useful.


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