[Courses][gimp] Lesson 2: Lightening, Darkening, Sharpening

Julie Sloan juliesloan at mindspring.com
Wed Feb 9 22:59:08 EST 2005

On Tuesday 08 February 2005 09:31 am, Kjersti Bjørnestad Berg wrote:
> Julie Sloan wrote:
> > I found Unsharp Mask to be a lot more effective than Sharpen, but a
> > preview pane sure would be nice.  
> I'm using version 2.2.3 and it has a previewpane for the Unsharp Mask.

I'll look forward to getting v2.2.3    :)

> > I'm not sure which of the three images I am calling "final" is best.
> I liked the second one best, although the colors were a bit distorted.
> The other ones look a bit pale, so the details were more clear in the
> second one.

That's the problem I often find when lightening:  the image looks surrounded 
by fog.



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