[Courses] [Careers] My operations path

Chix Career careerchix at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 8 02:24:29 EST 2005

Actually, we bought another company back in August and he came with them.  We had worked with this bunch before we bought them, and I knew what I had thought and the feedback I got from his boss before the purchase, but I chose to start with a clean slate.  The guy we bought the company from is a practicing alcoholic who's a real jerk, so I thought maybe the working conditions were so miserable that was making him act out.  Unfortunately that wasn't the case. 
I'm really wondering if he's as "ereet" as he says/thinks he is.  I have yet to see him finish a project, and he's thrown his hands up on several things that I've been able to figure out with a little patience and work.  He's very young (22) and has an extremely high opinion of himself.  I think he's got enormous potential, but I can't find a way to bring it out of him or to motivate him.  I know, he's supposed to be an adult and I shouldn't have to find a way to do that, but I hate to throw him to the wolves.

Mary <mary-linuxchix at puzzling.org> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 05, 2005, Chix Career wrote:
> I'm not as hands on with Operations as I was six months ago. We
> bought another company and I've moved into more of a Project and
> person management role. I still have my own projects to do, but have
> someone else doing many of the day to day things I was doing.
> Managing people is challenging - I've got one right now I'm on the
> verge of firing, and it's really hard, especially since he's a
> personable guy. He's just a really crappy employee.

Based on this experience (or others), do you have any tips on how to
avoid people who have good interpersonal skills but lack the job skills?
Or was this just too hard to tell at the time he was hired?

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