[Courses][gimp] Lesson 2: Lightening, Darkening, Sharpening

Karine Proot kproot at nerim.net
Sun Feb 6 23:37:04 EST 2005

Carolyn Bucholtz wrote:
> I've solved the problem !  I only get the tearoff menus if I go to
> the menus via the right mouse click in the image window - the menus
> at the top of the image window don't have the tearoff option,

Congratulations, I was unable to solve this alone ;) Because I never use 
the context menus...

That lesson was very useful to me, as I had a drawing that was way too 
bright compared to the original (yeah, I'm just able to reproduce 
things...), and my sister will be happy to learn how to sharpen all 
those pics she's got.

So, homework (and french translation) is done and you can see the 
results at http://edhel.nerim.net/soeurs/article.php3?id_article=12


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