[courses] [gimp] Lesson 1

Patricia Peck patpeck at znet.com
Tue Feb 1 14:38:23 EST 2005

Okay, teach and classmates, here's my homework for this week.

The photo labeled just "clouds" is the original, but scaled so as not to 
take up too much room;  the one with all the extra letters (cryptography 
for cr(opped) and S(caled) is the homework.

It's one of the very first shots I took with my new digital camera after 
Christmas - of clouds over the Verdugo Hills after a rain, shot from the 
roof of Ikea's parking lot in Burbank, CA.  Much prettier than the usual 
smoggy hill views.

The third photo, "leafy" is my favorite creature in the Long Beach 
aquarium, the leafy seadragon, also cropped and scaled.

Looking forward to Lesson 2,



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