[Courses][gimp] Lesson 9: Layer Effects, including more text tricks

Julie Sloan juliesloan at mindspring.com
Sat Apr 23 21:02:17 EST 2005

fun - - especially once I learned how to draw on the layer mask  ;-)


modes - wow! 
using blue-green gradient with "difference" mode:


> Now I'm going to use the white text as a bump map for the woodgrain
> pattern.  I select the woodgrain background layer in the Layers
> dialog, then go to Filters->Map->Bump Map...

In the patterns dialogue?  I'm still using Gimp  1.2.5  so you may have 
something I don't   :)

> The Bump Map dialog comes up (in Gimp 2.2, it includes a preview).

In Gimp 1.2.5 also preview.

> Play around with the parameters, and try it.  The background layer
> will change to include the "bump" generated from the text layer.
> The text layer is still visible: you may want to toggle it off
> so that you only see the bump map.

I'm not managing to do this.  I can make the text "bump" but when I toggle 
it off it's gone.


http://www.bobsloansampler.com/gimp/cousins.xcf  (warning - nearly 1Mb)



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