[Courses] course request: intro to BIND

Jimmy Montano jmontano at telesat.com.co
Wed Jun 9 08:21:05 EST 2004

I'm interested in Dynamic DNS updates and Slave servers

Anthony Gorecki wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On June 08, 2004 3:29 pm, John Stoneham wrote:
>>me, might I suggest someone teach a course on introductory BIND setup?
>I would be willing to volunteer to teach a course on BIND, however it's 
>normally not a topic which can be considered introductory, by any means. How 
>many of you are interested in this topic, and what specific features would 
>you like to see outlined aside from the generic BIND implementations?
>- -- 
>Best Regards,
>Anthony Gorecki

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