[Courses] [FS] Filesystem Course lesson 2

Sue Stones suzo at bigpond.net.au
Thu Jul 17 00:31:48 EST 2003

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 11:46 pm, Dan Richter wrote:
> In almost all cases[1] you can have a trailing slash or not; there's no
> difference. I think that "ls" can be configured (somehow) to list
> directories with or without a trailing slash. It's all about preference.

That's easy.

ls lists just the name by default, but bash has established an alias like 

alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'

I find this anoying, especially since I have tried to remove a default alias 
before only to discover it was only removed in some directories.  There is 
only one thing worse than having an alias force you to work in a different 
way to what you want to do, and that is having it behave different ways in 
different directories.

Maybe I should send this to Jen for her new book on configuring Linux.


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