[Courses] [FS] Welcome to the Filesystems course!

Meredydd meredydd at everybuddy.com
Tue Jul 1 23:20:55 EST 2003

Hello, all!

Welcome to the UNIX filesystems course! This course will teach the structure 
and function of the UNIX filesystem, as well as various fun gymnastics you 
can do with it. The filesystem is a powerful tool, and by the end of this 
course you should be up to using that power in your day-to-day work on 
whatever flavour of UNIX you prefer.

A few words about the structure of this course:
	I am fond of illustrating my points. As a result, these lessons are available 
only as graphical HTML pages. The lessons themselves will not be posted to 
this list. Instead, each lesson post will consist of a link to the page on 
Linuxchix.org. The lessons, however, will be discussed on the mailing list. 
When discussing material in a particular lesson, please reply to the post 
which contains the link to that lesson. That way, those of us with threaded 
mail programs can group discussion by the lesson which produced it.

	Please, *please* discuss things on list. I want comments - for one, I *need* 
them to assess where various people are and how fast they are learning. 
Unless the subscriber list gets too large, I think it would be a jolly good 
idea if everyone following this course replies at least once to each lesson, 
even if only to say "I understood this lesson completely". This will also 
give me an idea as to how fast you digest lessons, and so when it is 
appropriate to post the next lesson.

	As I explained in my introduction (link further down), I intend to keep this 
course moving. To this end, I'm building up a buffer of unpublished lessons - 
I'll tell you how big this buffer is every time I post a lesson. Here goes.

New lesson:	Lesson 0
Topic:		Introduction

This lesson (published before, as a taster for the course) explains what I 
plan to do in this course. It gives an overview of the content I'll be 
covering, as well as what to expect in terms of style and lesson format.

Buffer:		1.5 lessons

This message will be repeated a few times, as various people join. Apologies 
to the early comers, who will see it a lot, but I felt that I wanted to 
welcome the new people fairly soon after they come in. So, once again, HOWDY, 


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