[Courses] [C] Beginner's Lesson 4A: Errata - Correct your lesson!

Eugene Teo eugene.teo at eugeneteo.net
Fri Oct 11 19:45:10 EST 2002

<quote who="KWMelvin">
u> On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 10:06:32PM -0700, Daniel. wrote:
u> > Hm, I don't think so. "float data[5]" is a one-dimensional array, not 
u> > a five-dimensional one. I'd call five the "length" of the array.
u> That sentence is almost verbatim from the book, however, I think
u> LENGTH is a better way to describe it!  Thanks!

Alternatively, you may try to say data is a float array of 5 elements.
i think element is a better way than length.

u> Here I beg to differ!  The NUL character is NOT just a zero.  
u> Zero is ASCII code 0x30, and NUL is ASCII code 0x00.  Try this
u> little program to see what I mean.  After compiling it, run it
u> by piping the program's output to `od -a'.

I know what you mean, but really, it is not difference.

u> > >Note the ampersand in front of variable1. Don't forget it!
u> > 
u> > What it means will be explained later, of course.


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