[Courses] [C] Writing a spam filter in C, part 0

Raven, corporate courtesan raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Thu Mar 28 02:58:15 EST 2002

Heya --

Quoth Akkana (Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 10:59:09AM -0800):
> A while ago someone mentioned being more interested in how to use C to
> do everyday practical applications, like spam filtering, than in using
> it to do things like generate Fibonacci numbers.

	That was me, and wow, this was really incredibly helpful to me.
Yay!  I think the combination of working through the C book with the
class and seeing this work with something that I'm already well familiar
with (Procmail) really helped.  If I didn't have the C theory from the
class I wouldn't have understood your program, but I did.  Yay!

	[gleeful bouncing]

> Is this useful?  Please let me know.  For the next lesson, if anyone
> is interested, I'd like to add checks for things like "is this message
> addressed to more than N people?"

	That would be great.  Right now I'm doing a similar thing with
Procmail, filtering all mail that's not from one of my mailing lists or
to or cc'd to me to a "junk" folder that I periodically peruse for spam.
But I'd be happy with more granular filtering.

Thanks again,
"If cryptography is outlawed, only eoriy oaishd qriou lahsflk asad!"
  -- Yad, on the work mush

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