[Courses] [Security] Port forwarding with SSH andipchains/iptables

Kai MacTane kmactane at GothPunk.com
Mon Mar 25 13:59:44 EST 2002

At 3/20/02 07:41 PM , jennyw wrote:

>The main reason I'm wary of SSH clients on Windows is that I've heard PuTTY
>is the best SSH client out there, but my connections get dropped a lot more
>than when I'm using BSD or Linux.

How weird. I consider PuTTY the *worst* Windows SSH client I've used -- I 
much prefer SecureCRT. And failing that, F-Secure's product, whose name 
I've forgotten, is pretty good. Of course, SecureCRT and F-Secure cost 
money, and PuTTY is free. But I consider PuTTY "the thing I'll use if I can 
get SecureCRT or even F-Secure".

                                                 --Kai MacTane
"A spark has passed between us, now
  A momentary recognition..."
                                                 --Oingo Boingo,

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