[Courses] [Security] Port forwarding with SSH and ipchains/iptables

Ms. Piglet listpig at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 20 22:09:33 EST 2002

Wow, something I actually know something about. <g>

In my last job, I had to ssh into linux boxen from wherever I was; when
where I was was "on the road", it was usually via a Windows laptop.


Ttssh extension on Teraterm is what you want to look at; free, stable,
wonderful......I've spent hours on end using it.

(Should Macs arise as a question, Nifty is what you want:


On 3/20/02 1:20 PM,  <jennyw at dangerousideas.com> shared this thought:

> Yes, the workstations cannot have ssh installed on them. They're Windows
> boxes. I guess it's possible to install SSH on them, but non-commercial
> implementations seem to be in some pre-release stage right now.

Megan "Piglet" Zurawicz
listpig at earthlink.net
piglet170 at attbi.com

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