[Courses] Re: [Security] zone transfer

Mary linuxchix at puzzling.org
Thu Mar 14 22:14:03 EST 2002

On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 11:15:38AM +0100, Hamster wrote:
> Now, for the sake of redundancy, you usually have two dns servers
> looking after a zone. This is incase one blows up or something.

The need for a secondary isn't as rare as Hamster is making it sound.
I've seen problems with DNS when:

* The primary nameserver was a 'hosted by friends' kind of thing and
suddenly got taken away.

* The primary and secondary were (and in fact still are) in the same
room and the building lost power.

Complete loss of DNS can look worse to users of websites than a simple
loss of server, because the error messages will say things along the
lines of "Host not found" and "Please check the spelling". :-)


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