[Courses] [Security] Raw sockets (was: netstat status field)

Hamster hamster at hamsternet.org
Mon Mar 11 23:02:44 EST 2002

> 	I don't know; I'm not a Windows programmer at all.  (It's been
> nearly two years or so since I used a Windows workstation on anything
> resembling a regular basis, and longer since I did any Windows
> sysadmin.)  I hadn't heard this, but it would be interesting it were
> true, since that would pretty much shoot holes in the complaints of the
> XP-raw-socket-dislikers.  Do you (or anyone else) know how this would be
> done under Windows sans raw sockets, in such a way that you could
> explain it to non-Windows-programmers?

Thats easy. Probably using Outlook ;-)
(I say that firmly tongue in cheek!)

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