[Courses] [Security] Firewall theory -- general

Raven, corporate courtesan raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Mon Mar 11 16:54:58 EST 2002

Heya --

Quoth coldfire (Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:54:34PM -0500):
> > 	If you were going to build me a firewall, what would you do?
> Firstly, I'd charged you a cover free ... :)
	Okay.  So I pay your cover fee.   [grin]  Now, what sorts of
traffic do you think it would be a good idea to let pass, and what sorts
of traffic would you want to block.  Decide that, and there's half the
work of creating the firewall done.

	Any guesses?  No such thing as a stupid guess...

"Sed, sed, awk.  Like duck, duck, goose.  Sync, sync, halt.  It's the
 order of nature."
  -- me, after too long a day at work

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