[Courses] [Security] Katie's netstat (was: The useful netstat)

Raven, corporate courtesan raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Thu Mar 7 18:20:41 EST 2002

Heya --

Quoth Katie Bechtold (Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 09:14:30AM -0500):
> This is the kernel that came with RedHat 7.2, but I'm not on a
> Netware network.

	Apparantly it comes with support for Novell's Netware out of the
box.  There's a package called mars_nwe that does it, and IPX support in
the kernel.

> This box just POPs from another server.  Even so, I'd feel better if
> I was running qmail as a mailserver and tcpserver as a superserver.
> One of these days I'll see if I can work up the courage to try
> converting to those.

	Switching to tcpserver isn't too difficult.  As Laura mentioned,
TCP wrappers may also be something you want to look into if you want
fine-tuned access control. 

"Sed, sed, awk.  Like duck, duck, goose.  Sync, sync, halt.  It's the
 order of nature."
  -- me, after too long a day at work

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