[Courses] [Security] netstat disection

Malcolm-Rannirl rannirl-lc at otherkin.net
Thu Mar 7 11:00:00 EST 2002

On Thursday 07 March 2002 08:14 am, Hamster wrote:

> AND... This next question comes down to understanding mail a bit
> better as well. I am using a mail client call Sylpheed. Does it (or
> KMail, or mail clients in general) use sendmail to send mail? Or is
> the sending process built into the mail client? 

It depends on the mailer. Some seem to expect sendmail to exist, some 
just raw 'mail'. KMail at least lets you specify either sendmail or 
an stmp server, and I'd be somewhat surprised if Sylpheed didn't.

The meek shall inherit what they damn well please
- 'Under the Gun' Sisters of Mercy
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