[Courses] [Security] Class formats and contents

Bettina Martelli martelli at trustcenter.de
Tue Mar 5 13:19:38 EST 2002

Hello, Raven, hi linuxchix,

>Heya --
>Okay, I'm assuming that enough time has passed that anyone who's
>interested has had time to subscribe to this list.  [grin]

I just discovered linuxchix and joined the courses list. Hope I'm not too 
late... :-)

>Could the people who are here for the security class give me an
>idea of how you'd like to see the class structured, and how much
>experience you've had with this sort of thing?  That way I can try to
>make sure that I'm not boring y'all with things you've done a million
>times, or going way over your heads with some sort of arcane voodoo
>that's completely incomprehensible.

I'm developer in a german security-related firm. We do certificates
for digital signature, smart cards and PKIs. We develop on solaris unix
using mostly open source tools (vi/emacs, gcc, cvs, auto* and configure).

I'm not an expert about security on linux and since I want to use
linux at home I would like to know more about that.

>As far as format goes, I can see a couple different options.
>Guided discussion (my favorite), free-for-all discussion, or following a
>book.  Does anyone have preferences?

Guided discussion sounds good.

>If we go for guided discussion, I think a good place to start
>would be networked services, why you want to limit them, and how to turn
>off ones you're not using.  Perhaps firewalls after that?  Let me know
>how you think that sounds.

It all sounds interesting to me.

Ciao                            Bettina

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