[Courses] [C] Textbook

Mary linuxchix at puzzling.org
Sun Jun 9 17:52:54 EST 2002

On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 12:31:20AM -0700, Shaz wrote:
> I'm actually planning on getting that book and starting out on my C
> programming adventure... Once I get through all these annoying exams
> that is! Anyway, I was wondering just how far has the list got in the
> book since I just joined a few days ago...

The book was Practical C programming by Steve Oualline, published by O'Reilly.

The original schedule, proposed 16th January, called for 3 chapters
every 2 weeks. It has 23 chapters.

However, this proved to be unsuccessful - I think even the coordinators
had to drop out of that schedule eventually.

At the moment, I'm proposing a discussion style course because it will
allow a wider level of questions and answers, catering for people coming
in and out of the course at any time. So you might like to get the
textbook and start working through it, but look to our discussions as
well ;)


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