[Courses] [C] Next C topic: Your Choice

Julie jockgrrl at austin.rr.com
Thu Jul 18 20:11:39 EST 2002

REMOVED wrote:
> In regards to C, (my wife has subscribed to this topic, but I just happened
> to see it), forget C, it is a barabaric language that only serves the
> function of being a universal assembler language.  Try to learn something
> that will be useful in the future instead.

People have been saying that about C for the 20 years I've
been using the language.

If you don't like it, don't use it.

On the other hand, if you come to work in my department, expect
to know C and use C.  We used it 10 years ago and we'll be using
it in another 10 years.  If I have my way ;-)
Julianne Frances Haugh             Life is either a daring adventure
jockgrrl at austin.rr.com                 or nothing at all.
					    -- Helen Keller

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