[Courses] Well, shall we?

Beth E. Johnson ogoshi at bellatlantic.net
Tue Jan 15 15:14:57 EST 2002

On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 13:36, Michelle Murrain wrote:

> First question - how will we do this? Should we stick to e-mail, or think 
> about IRC/Chat sessions as well?

I have just a few thoughts about how we handled a journal study group
for another list I belong to.  One person was in charge of  introducing
the topic (in this case a journal article but for this list's purposes
it could easily be the next topic on the syllabus).  Then we'd have a
lively discussion via e-mail, dissecting the topic.  We never did chat
and I think it worked quite well with e-mail.  We had less experienced
people asking great questions and wonderful old-timers and topic
specialists to give expansive answers.  It was also a big group of women
with a handful of men.  ;-)

who'll probably just sit back and watch you gals, because I'm working on
my A+ (and I have the Linux+ book, too), but who finds this idea very
Beth Johnson
Springfield, MA USA

"The kind of person who always insists
 on his way of seeing things
 can never learn anything from anyone."
-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 24

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