[Courses] One list, or separate lists?

Amanda Babcock alb at quandary.org
Thu Feb 28 15:30:48 EST 2002

On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 02:20:51PM -0500, Raven, corporate courtesan wrote:

> On the one hand, it would be nice to keep the courses together.  On the 
> other hand, I don't want to bore or annoy people who are only interested 
> in C with lots of security traffic.

Setting up separate lists could get into a lot of different lists, though
maybe temporary lists wouldn't be a bad idea, with the courses list being
used as an overall coordination/announcement of new courses thing.

Alternatively, we could adopt Subject:-line tags to show which course we're
talking about, and people could sort them into different mailboxes that


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