[Courses] Fwd: [Volunteers] Courses web page

Jenn Vesperman jenn at anthill.echidna.id.au
Thu Feb 21 08:20:47 EST 2002

On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 07:00, Lakshmi Sadasiv wrote:
> Fellow c-students,
> I'd be happy to put together a web page for this course--nothing fancy, but something like folders for each chapter with "solution sets" and such. If Sonja doesn't mind my copying her format for the "kernel-hacking" course I could put togther the structure later today and hopefully have it launched by Friday.


The web page for any or all courses can be hosted at linuxchix.org.
Email dancer at linuxchix.org and tell him you're doing the course web 
page, and for which course, and he can send you a Zope password and 
point you at the zope guide.

Linuxchix' web site is being managed by Zope because it lets us all
collaborate on the site fairly easily, without overwriting each other 
by accident.

Jenn V.
    "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture 
        	you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

jenn at anthill.echidna.id.au     http://anthill.echidna.id.au/~jenn/

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